eFlip FlipBook Maker for iPad

Powerful ebook maker for iPad flip book creation
This product can help you convert PDF, MS Office, openoffice and RTF files to flash basic or HTML5 flipping ebooks. You can publish your eflip magazines to the Internet, iPhone, iPad, iPod and Android----almost all of the mainstream platforms.
- Make user-friendly ebooks with page flip effect in no time in an extraordinary way;
- Convert PDF, MS Office, OpenOffice files with no publishing limitation;
- You will have an easy and secured 5G cloud host for online release, for free;
- Alternative publish program: convert PDF to ePub, Mobi and more;
- Android adaption: publish to .apk (Android app form);
- Multifold publishing forms: HTML, EXE, Mac app, CD, ZIP, etc;
- Support HTML 5 for iPhone, iPad, BlackBerry and Android;
- Up to 20+ build-in pre-design templates and themes to help making unique online flipbook;
- Full dominant right to your publications: define logo, brand, sound, looking, and any information you want to deliver.
- Overview
eFlip FlipBook Maker for iPad is a powerful full version convertor using eFlip Standard technique. It allows you convert PDF files to not only flash books, but also ePub, mobi and more. For meeting more publish requirements, the software can also convert MS Office and OpenOffice files. In order to provide diversified release programs to our users, we also made many output formats available: HTML, EXE, APP, CD or ZIP. What’s more, to optimize reading experience on mobile devices, the output book will support HTML 5 so that they are available on almost all mainstream platforms.
I. Customize flip books for iPad.
Benefit by the convenience and seamless experiences of the iOS, Apple products had become one of the most popular devices in the world. For that reason, the eFlip FlipBook Maker for iPad had optimized counter to iPad and other iOS devices. With the help of our software, flipbooks will make a better expression on Apple devices.
II. Easy publishing for anyone.
Our products are user-oriented, so all of the operations in the software are simple and visual. You don’t have to master any stodgy coding or programming technique, the software will do all of that things for you. All you have to do is just to think about book designing. You can add extra objects to the original book to make it more content-rich. Totally visual editing make easy and quick editing possible to anyone.
III. Online management.
It is not easy to release your books online if you don’t own any hosts. Searching for a high quality and inexpensive host or network disk also takes you time. In order to provide our users integration services, we will offer you a 5G cloud host specialized for flash book publishing. And you can upload more than 250 books for free. You just have to sign up for an account to enjoy with the service. You can also pay for more space of your host.
IV. Android book publish.
It is not possible for us to concentrate on iOS only. We have an adequate consideration on Android users. So Android Flipbook App Maker had integrated in the software, you can choose to publish your e-book in .apk form to install to Android devices. Don’t worry about the conversion if you aren’t familiar with app making, it is also automatic.
V. Various build-in templates.
It is not enough if you only work hard on content editing. You will have to make your flip book catch eye-balls at the first sight as many as possible. Build-in pre-design templates and themes could afford you a high efficiency way to design book style. Moreover, we have enormous online template library as backup, you can download for free and apply to your book. What’s more, to exert users’ creativity, we recommend you to design a new theme on your own. For this, the template function was first design for self-designing.