How can I change the HTML title of flipping book?
I have made a digital book by flip PDF and publish it on html, and share with my friends. But my friends gave me suggestions about the HTML title. They said HTML title would be important to attract readers. Then I opened the digital book, I found the HTML tile is my file name. I do not want my file name to be the html title. Can I change another better HTML title? If it’s possible, how can I change it?
Yes, you can change another better HTML title of your flip book. But only before publishing it can you change it. Maybe you need to publish your digital book again. When you have set everything of your digital book, you should apply change to check it.
Then everything is right, you can convert to flipping book. When you click the “convert to flipping book”, you can see “output option” window. You can choose output type and output folder. In addition, you can also name the HTML title. If you do not change, the default of HTML Title would be your file name.
Lastly publish your digital book and see the effect.