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1008 furn world:furnworld 9/3/08 9:12 AM Page 18
Shown left is a color wheel with dark undertones. The next issue of FURNITURE WORLD
Magazine will provide more detail on how light and dark undertones can be used to make
striking displays. The November/ December 2008 issue will also include the second part
of this article and a comprehensive glossary of fabrics.
Primary/ Secondary Fabrics Tapestry Chintz
Consider... scale, contrast and pattern.
COMPLEMENTS, or colors that are one and undertones within each of the three space. Don’t make the mistake of making
away from being directly across from color families. Factor your fabrics into this your largest upholstered piece the focal
each other, known as SPLIT COMPLE- general formula. Keep in mind though, point of the room by using a loud or
MENTS. Such color palettes give the that the 60-30-10 rule is a GENERAL heavily patterned fabric. Large uphol-
greatest amount of contrast and therefore GUIDELINE and not a design law! Color stered pieces are the room’s anchors that
keep us interested. Some examples of palettes of 70-25-5 work just as well. give stability to the overall design. They
complementary palettes are the use of Again, the 60-30-10 rule is a guideline can remain even when the less perma-
red with green, purple with yellow, or to get you started. This means that you nent small furnishings and accessories
blue with orange. Split complement can get spunky and throw a hint of a around them are changed out over time.
examples include red with either teal fourth color family somewhere into the
(blue-green) or lime-green (yellow- space if your “gut” agrees it looks good. NEXT ISSUE
green), indigo (blue-purple) with either Have fun with this, and trust your
yellow or orange, and gold (yellow- instincts. The next installment will give you addi-
orange) with either blue or purple. The tional seminar material on choosing sup-
undertone (derived from white, brown or FIND YOUR KEY FABRIC porting fabrics, using pattern, color, tex-
black added to the original color on the It may feel overwhelming to find the ture and scale... plus a useful illustrated
wheel), or the lightness and darkness of right fabrics for a space you are redeco- glossary of terms. If you absolutely can’t
the color doesn’t determine whether or rating. Even just selecting fabric for one wait, email to get
not it is a complement or split-comple- piece such as a new sofa or chair can be the text via email.
ment. True red coupled with true green intimidating, especially if you don’t Margarett DeGange, M.Ed. is a
for example are just as much comple- understand how they fit into an overall Business and Design Coach in the Home
ments as are apple red paired with olive fabric palette. How many patterns should Fashions Industry. She creates and deliv-
green (these are complements with you use, and in what amounts? You may ers custom training programs for man-
brown undertones) or cranberry red and question which patterns will work togeth- aged businesses and their sales consul-
emerald green (these are complements er. Even when a professional guides your tants to help them communicate better
with black undertones). When using a choice, you might be unclear regarding with customers and increase sales and
complementary or split-complementary which direction to go. profits. Margarett is a Writer and
palette, you can still throw in a hint of a Professional Speaker, and the President of
third (or even fourth) fabric color here or I suggest that you first find a main fab- The DeGangi Group and The DeGangi
there. ric, also called a “key” fabric, for the
largest piece in your space, such as a School of Interior Decoration, with both
A good rule of thumb for a single sofa, upholstered headboard, or set of on sight and on-line courses in Interior
room or space, that includes paint, fab- dining room chairs, and then begin to Decorating, Marketing, and Redesign.
rics, furniture and room accessories, is build the design around that fabric. This For almost 20 years she has helped
the 60-30-10 rule. This means that 60 key fabric should be one that you really individual and managed business owners
percent of a room’s color should be rep- love. Ideally, it should also be a solid tex- in the interior fashions and decorating
resented by a main color family, 30 per- ture, tone-on-tone, or subtle weave in industries to earn more while fully enjoy-
cent of the room’s color should be repre- either a deep, rich, or neutral color that ing the process. Her website is
sented by a second color family, and 10 will ground the space and become a Questions
percent of the room’s color should be backdrop for other, more decorative fab- about performing in-store seminars and
represented by still another color or color rics that can add “punch” or make a related design topics can be directed to
family. You can use various shades, tints, design statement without taking over the
18 FURNITURE WORLD September/October 2008
Shown left is a color wheel with dark undertones. The next issue of FURNITURE WORLD
Magazine will provide more detail on how light and dark undertones can be used to make
striking displays. The November/ December 2008 issue will also include the second part
of this article and a comprehensive glossary of fabrics.
Primary/ Secondary Fabrics Tapestry Chintz
Consider... scale, contrast and pattern.
COMPLEMENTS, or colors that are one and undertones within each of the three space. Don’t make the mistake of making
away from being directly across from color families. Factor your fabrics into this your largest upholstered piece the focal
each other, known as SPLIT COMPLE- general formula. Keep in mind though, point of the room by using a loud or
MENTS. Such color palettes give the that the 60-30-10 rule is a GENERAL heavily patterned fabric. Large uphol-
greatest amount of contrast and therefore GUIDELINE and not a design law! Color stered pieces are the room’s anchors that
keep us interested. Some examples of palettes of 70-25-5 work just as well. give stability to the overall design. They
complementary palettes are the use of Again, the 60-30-10 rule is a guideline can remain even when the less perma-
red with green, purple with yellow, or to get you started. This means that you nent small furnishings and accessories
blue with orange. Split complement can get spunky and throw a hint of a around them are changed out over time.
examples include red with either teal fourth color family somewhere into the
(blue-green) or lime-green (yellow- space if your “gut” agrees it looks good. NEXT ISSUE
green), indigo (blue-purple) with either Have fun with this, and trust your
yellow or orange, and gold (yellow- instincts. The next installment will give you addi-
orange) with either blue or purple. The tional seminar material on choosing sup-
undertone (derived from white, brown or FIND YOUR KEY FABRIC porting fabrics, using pattern, color, tex-
black added to the original color on the It may feel overwhelming to find the ture and scale... plus a useful illustrated
wheel), or the lightness and darkness of right fabrics for a space you are redeco- glossary of terms. If you absolutely can’t
the color doesn’t determine whether or rating. Even just selecting fabric for one wait, email to get
not it is a complement or split-comple- piece such as a new sofa or chair can be the text via email.
ment. True red coupled with true green intimidating, especially if you don’t Margarett DeGange, M.Ed. is a
for example are just as much comple- understand how they fit into an overall Business and Design Coach in the Home
ments as are apple red paired with olive fabric palette. How many patterns should Fashions Industry. She creates and deliv-
green (these are complements with you use, and in what amounts? You may ers custom training programs for man-
brown undertones) or cranberry red and question which patterns will work togeth- aged businesses and their sales consul-
emerald green (these are complements er. Even when a professional guides your tants to help them communicate better
with black undertones). When using a choice, you might be unclear regarding with customers and increase sales and
complementary or split-complementary which direction to go. profits. Margarett is a Writer and
palette, you can still throw in a hint of a Professional Speaker, and the President of
third (or even fourth) fabric color here or I suggest that you first find a main fab- The DeGangi Group and The DeGangi
there. ric, also called a “key” fabric, for the
largest piece in your space, such as a School of Interior Decoration, with both
A good rule of thumb for a single sofa, upholstered headboard, or set of on sight and on-line courses in Interior
room or space, that includes paint, fab- dining room chairs, and then begin to Decorating, Marketing, and Redesign.
rics, furniture and room accessories, is build the design around that fabric. This For almost 20 years she has helped
the 60-30-10 rule. This means that 60 key fabric should be one that you really individual and managed business owners
percent of a room’s color should be rep- love. Ideally, it should also be a solid tex- in the interior fashions and decorating
resented by a main color family, 30 per- ture, tone-on-tone, or subtle weave in industries to earn more while fully enjoy-
cent of the room’s color should be repre- either a deep, rich, or neutral color that ing the process. Her website is
sented by a second color family, and 10 will ground the space and become a Questions
percent of the room’s color should be backdrop for other, more decorative fab- about performing in-store seminars and
represented by still another color or color rics that can add “punch” or make a related design topics can be directed to
family. You can use various shades, tints, design statement without taking over the
18 FURNITURE WORLD September/October 2008