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Yoga Directory 2010
welcome to the 2010 Yoga directory
With more than 700 listings,
the 2010 Yoga Directory is
your best resource for local
and destination yoga programs.
You’ll learn about associations
that represent different schools
of yoga and exciting new
classes, workshops, trainings,
and re treats with teachers
who can help you achieve your
yoga goals.
To get ideas for broadening your
practice, see “Which Yoga Is for
You?” (page A4) and learn about
the various schools of yoga.
yoga teachers & studios [
When you nd a resource that
interests you, be sure to mention
that you found it in the 2010 Yoga
Directory. We’d also love to hear
conTenTS year’s print directory? Visit us ]
your feedback. drop us an email at
A4 which yoga is for you? Interested in listing your business
in our online directory or in next
An introduction to various schools of yoga
A8 at or call Katherine
Rae at (415) 434-6296.
A38 associations
A39 teacher trainings & workshops
A58 vacations & retreats
A65 wellness services dIRecToRY coVeR phoTo: VIcToRIA Yee; ThIS pAge: Top LefT: ALISon WRIghT; boTToM RIghT: TonY LAW
hoW To USe ThIS dIRecToRY
Listings in the 2010 Yoga Directory are organized according
to five categories (see colored tabs at the top of each page):
Yoga Teachers & Studios, Associations, Teacher Trainings &
Workshops, Vacations & Retreats, and Well ness Services. Within
each category, the listings are arranged by state and city.
Inter national entries from more than 30 countries follow
the U.S. listings in each category. Many 2010 Yoga Directory
advertisers also have their listings on the Yoga Journal
website at
A2 febRUARY 2010 &