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If you love your kitchen
and others rave about it,
too, you could win some
serious cash in Taste of
Home’s “Dream Kitchens”
A group of colleagues at Athena Middle School celebrated the end of It’s easy to enter. Give us a
the school year by making our favorite recipes from Taste of Home. All of peek at your kitchen.
us ate together and exchanged recipes. Every one of the dishes was And, tell us, is it…
wonderful. What a great way to start summer vacation! WIN a A dream to cook in?
—Diane Giardina & Friends chance at A showcase for a
$3,000 in collection?
prizes! An entertaining hub?
DESSERT SOURCE recipes from each issue, many of A storage paradise?
In 2002, I sent you a note that I them frequently. My newest fa- Unique in a way that fits
made 10 different desserts for a vorite is the Spice Chai Mix your lifestyle?
party, most of them using recipes (Dec/Jan).Yummy! Thank you for I love We’re not interested in the
from Taste of Home, Quick Cooking a great magazine. It’s still my fa- size of your room or decorat-
(now Simple & Delicious) and Light vorite cozy read and inspiration. your article ing budget. Instead, we want
& Tasty (Healthy Cooking). Well, the —Tina Sandford titles, to see how you have made
gathering has grown to 20 differ- OXNARD, CA the most of your kitchen.
ent desserts, and I am still using especially Enter in “new” or “remod-
your wonderful magazines as my MINTY SNOWMEN puns like eled” categories—Grand Prize
main source of great recipes. I re- My mother and I made the Snow- in each is $1,000; each runner-
main a big fan. man Cupcakes (Dec/Jan) for my ‘wok this up, $500. The four winning
—Jo Ann Kohler son Seth’s school Christmas party. entries will be featured in fu-
WAYNESBORO, PA I could not find chocolate wafers, way.’ ture issues of Taste of Home.
but mint cookies worked for the —L. Haggard Contest deadline: June 30,
COZY READ hats.The kids loved them! Thank NASHVILLE, IN 2009. Find entry guidelines
No question! I love Taste of Home, you so much! and contest rules at taste
and I’m so happy that my friend —Robyn Bitterman
gave me a subscription. I use CHESANING, MI
Wake up eggs any time
of day by adding SPAM Classic.
Other fun ideas at
B Serving suggestion
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