FlipPDF.com provides
Professional PDF to FlipBook Converter for Windows, Mac OS X, iPad, iPhone.
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More Frequently Asked Questions

Flip Image

1. How to make animated flipping digital photo albums by flip image?

2. Can I convert images to PDF files by Flip image?

3. How to customize page layout of image catalog?

4. Can I import images directly from scanner and digital cameras?

5. Reorder images before converting to flipping book?

6. Can I optimize images before converting to flipbook?

7. How to hide thumbnails of flipbook when starts up?

8. Can users read flipbook on ipad, iphone and Android devices?

9. Would like to view images album from right to left?

10. Why flip images catalog is not in the center of interface?

11. How to save images as TIFF file by Flip Image?

12. Easily add clip art to images before publishing?


Flip PDF Professional for Mac

1. How to convert PDF to flash flipbook on Mac?

2. How to add book title of flipbook?

3. How to save project by Flip PDF for Mac?

4. Can I make flip book by mac version software and send to PC users?

5. Make flip book to be printable for readers?


Flip Shopping Catalog

1. How can I convert PDF to flip shopping catalog?

2. Embed you tube video to flip shopping cart?

3. Does flip shopping catalog publication can be viewed on mobile devices?

4. Make smaller file size of digital page flip catalog?

5. Can customers read flip catalog on ipad or iphone?

6. Can I add company introduction video into shopping catalog pages?

7. How can I change the background of flip shopping catalog?

8. How to embed swf flash to online shopping cart?

9. How to add company logo into page flip shopping cart?

10. Can I print some pages of flip shopping cart?

11. Imported links can be work on the flip shopping catalog?

12. How to customize price of product on shopping catalog?

13. How to use print watermark file of flip shopping catalog?

14. Add hyperlink to online shopping catalog quickly?

15. Would like to make Mini shopping catalog to embed into web page?

16. Can I convert batch PDF files to shopping catalogs by flip shopping catalog?

17. Customize font of flip shopping catalog?

18. Add watermark to digital catalog?

19. Pop up photos on online shopping cart?

20. How can I add button to lead customers to buy relative product?

21. Add hyperlink to online shopping catalog quickly?

22. Pop up photos on online shopping cart?

23. How to customize price of product on shopping catalog?

24. Embed you tube video to flip shopping cart?

25. Download shopping catalog online?

26. Add home page URL to home button of online shopping catalog?

27. Can I import batch PDF to flip shopping catalog?

28. Make preview of flip catalog with importing several pages?

29. why links can’t work on flip shopping catalog?

30. E-catalog can flip pages from right to left?

31. Make hardcover of page flipping e-catalog?

32.Can we use free page flip book templates on flip shopping catalog software?

33. Let thumbnail shows when customers open shopping e-catalog?

34. New view modes of flip shopping catalog on mobile devices?

35. Can I burn flip catalog to CD?

36. How to make flash background of online shopping catalog?

37. Embed flash to flip shopping catalog?

38. Bookmarks of flip pdf catalog?

39. How can I make toolbars on the top of e-catalog?

40. Insert swf image as background of flip pdf catalog?



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